Why Quitting Cold Turkey Isn’t the Best Way to Stop Smoking.

For many people, the idea of quitting smoking “cold turkey” – abruptly stopping all tobacco use without any support or nicotine replacement – is an appealing approach. The thought of ripping off the band aid and being done with it seems simple.

However, research shows that this method is often less effective in the long run than using a structured stop-smoking service in your local area. One of the main reasons cold turkey quitting is less successful is the severe withdrawal symptoms it can cause. When you suddenly stop smoking, your brain is deprived of the nicotine it has become dependent on. This can lead to irritability, anxiety, trouble concentrating, increased appetite, and intense cravings. These withdrawal effects can be extremely challenging to cope with on your own, often causing people to relapse back into smoking.

In contrast, stop smoking services provide a range of tools and support to help manage these withdrawal symptoms and make the quitting process more manageable. This can include nicotine replacement therapies like patches, gum, or lozenges to wean you off the nicotine gradually. Counselling and behavioural therapy are also key components, helping you develop coping strategies and addressing the psychological aspects of addiction.

Studies have consistently shown that people who use local stop smoking services are much more likely to successfully quit smoking long-term compared to those who try to quit cold turkey. One review found that smokers who utilised these services were up to three times more likely to quit successfully than those who tried to quit on their own. The reason is simple – quitting smoking is an immense challenge, and trying to do it without any support or assistance makes it exponentially harder.

By taking advantage of the resources and expertise available through your local stop smoking service, you give yourself the best chance of becoming smoke-free for good. So while the cold turkey approach may seem like the quick and easy solution, the evidence shows that investing the time and effort into a structured quit programme is a far more effective path to kicking the smoking habit for good.  If you live or work in Central Bedfordshire, Milton Keynes or Bedford, please click here to self-refer.


Written by Peggy Ashley